
October 05, 2009 | Published in | 1 comments

He and Anna Sergeevna loved each other like very close, dear people, like husband and wife, like tender friends; it seemed to them that fate itself had destined for each other, and they could not understand why he had a wife and she a husband; and it was as if they were two birds of passage, a male and a female, who had been caught and forced to live in separate cages. They had forgiven each other the things they were ashamed of in the past, they forgave everything in the present, and they felt that this love of theirs had changed them both.

And it seemed that, just a little more - and the solution would be found, and then a new, beautiful life would begin; and it was clear to them that the end was still far, far off, and that the most complicated and difficult part was just beginning.

- The Lady with the Little Dog, Anton Chekhov

1 Responses to “-”

  1. Fiza-K says:
    5 October 2009 at 08:12

    Hey Bel, If you like this kind of literature, try and watch this movie called "Same time, Next Year". It's like a 70s movie and the only old movie I like! :D