
March 23, 2009 | Published in | 0 comments

Just been through one of those days. Feel like flopping on my bed and doing absolutely nothing but sifting through a intellectually debilitating fashion magazine that will fry my neurons so much so that I will just go to sleep immediately. It's getting cold again. FFS. It was a nice day yesterday, enough to go tramping up and down Oxford St in an electric blue micro-mini skirt sans tights and my precious 5 inch ASOS heels.

(Picture from Olsens Anonymous)

I've been walking out of the house looking like this because I adore the Olsen twins too much and I have become an unapologetic fashion victim

On a slightly inane note, if I were a mathematical function, I'd totally be a monotonic one. Scratch that, I'd be an exponential function that never converges to zero. Booyah.

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