
January 04, 2010 | Published in | 0 comments


new decade, new blog. update your links please?

about time, anyway. blogger smells. boo yah.

happy new year!

December 31, 2009 | Published in | 3 comments

I've been travelling across the United States for the past 3 weeks. I am now back in SoCal and will finally be headed home tomorrow. We are ushering in the New Year with USA Hostels in what will hopefully be an exciting limo ride (one bottle of champagne each - for reals) across LA. I stepped in a massive pile of faeces last night after a Hooters dinner and neatly decorated the rear floor of the (rented) car with it. To console myself, I say the last days of the year should always be the shittiest - pun intended - to celebrate a new dawn. 2009 has been good to me: I moved to San Diego, and I found someone whom I never thought in a million years I'd find. I don't believe in resolutions, but one thing that would better my life includes not bloody sweating the small stuff.

If 2012 means the end of the world, then, well, bring it on 2010.

Negative 7

December 16, 2009 | Published in | 4 comments

It's kinda cold here in Boston. There is a high of -7 degrees C (that's what, 20 degrees F?) tomorrow. I may need more than my houndstooth London-only-weatherproof Pepe Jeans coat, but I refuse to succumb to the ignominious North Face trend. Hey London, you clearly haven't met Massachusetts. Put on some weight will ya. 

But I say that Vanity trumps The Cold. We'll see what I say when my fingers start to turn a hideous shade of blue. This should be a perfect excuse for some fur, faux or real.

Other than that, I can't contain my excitement. Squee.

Keeping up with the Kardashians

December 13, 2009 | Published in | 3 comments

Out of all the reality TV shows, I admit that I like this show the most. Used to, anyway. I can't believe Teen Mom is this year's most watched show, though. Actually, I can. Some girl gave birth in the toilet, thinking that she'd defecated instead. Or wait. Was that another TLC show. I think it was "I didn't know I was pregnant". I'm mourning for humanity as I write this.

Fall quarter's over. Have I been here 3 months already? Geez louise mac and cheeze.

Cruelty and Christmas

December 12, 2009 | Published in | 6 comments

I am often subject to Cruel-ian Slips of the tongue. I say that like it's a disease so I'm totally to blame for it, hah. People who don't know me may be more offended than those who do. I am sorry if I am incidentally cruel. Christmas should be the time for food and hugs. I feel so indecently festive this year and I'm not sure why. Could it be the oh-so-subtle influence of festive friends, or could it just be from watching far too many commercials and listening to far too many Christmas songs on the radio? Mrm.

On a side note, where did the fall quarter go? I'm two terms away from graduation. Dayum.

Mother of all slobs

December 10, 2009 | Published in | 3 comments

My mother invented plenty of synonyms of "slob" just for me when I was younger: ah nya chi, disgusting goat, why don't you wear something else?! how do you walk in your room?! Same pair of shorts every other day, same t-shirt etc. A decade and a rebellious personality watered down by the predictable mechanics of mass media later, I've lost count of how many pairs of (black) shoes I own.

However, some days I feel I haven't exactly outgrown that rebellious silverchair listening kid - yet. To illustrate that point and also my sheer state of exhaustion, I wore my cornflower blue Imperial College bioeng hoodie, glittery La Senza lounge pants, striped bumblebee socks and purple and pink Havaianas around yesterday evening. Of course, the furthest I went was my daily haunt - The Village to get myself a nonfat chai latte. Oh, how I adore sipping on an extra hot chai while poring through notes with aforementioned bumblebee socks on. The point is, I've reached such lows that I entertained the thought of going to bed wearing what I'm going to wear tomorrow morning i.e. the same oversized shirt (light blue Polo Ralph Lauren), black AA tights and purple legwarmers just to avoid changing into pyjamas because by Engineer Logic, this would save precious time and effort in the morning.

Today's Thursday, right? And tomorrow's Friday. Monday come faster! The blistery winds of New York await me!


December 08, 2009 | Published in | 5 comments

So if I'm not doing work or surfing the Internet looking for random objects, I'm usually looking for food or actually eating it. I had a grilled cheese sandwich the other day which quelled my hankering for mac and cheese for a bit. Not good enough, though. Anyhoo, I'm not going to bore people again with my tales from the extensive list of places in which I do work. Most of them are kinda nerdy stories. Maybe another day. I'm kinda tired, if you can't tell from the monotonous sound of my voice. I love how shiny all the Chinese food looks. Grease is good for you, if you haven't heard already.

Above: Heh, pigs' ears. Chinese people are kinda grotesque.

I made this mushroom risotto while I was in Boston over Thanksgiving. It was good, if I dare say so myself. I basically followed the instructions on the back of a box of arborio rice.

It rained yesterday in California. Like, El Nino type rain. Many trees fell and people couldn't stop talking about the wind. Oh, how spoilt Californians are.

Hair and an Animation

December 04, 2009 | Published in | 6 comments

Hi from the dark side

Here's a photo of me with my new bangs (well, they're a couple of weeks old now but I'm not very good at keeping up with the times anymore)

...And an animation I made for my biomedical imaging project. In case your curious mind wonders what I spend time on. This is like, a video in a video.